The JetBackup Priority System

As a general recommendation, we typically suggest scheduling your Backup Jobs during your server’s off-peak hours to get the most out of your backup times. Considering that larger accounts can often take much longer for their backups to complete, we have seen cases where backup times significantly vary depending on the time backups for certain accounts get processed. Prioritizing the backups for your accounts can be a helpful tool in optimizing your backup jobs and…

JetBackup Version 5.2.9 Release Notes

JetApps recently released JetBackup v5.2.9 to the EDGE Tier. This release introduces support for FTP Destinations and the ability to set the number of threads in destinations that uses our new JetBackup Engine, allowing you to further fine-tune the performance of your Backup Destination! Check out the release notes below for a summary of cases addressed with this release. Please note that “Base” features and bug fixes apply to all JetBackup versions. What’s New JetBackup…