
JetBackup For cPanel Version 4.0.17

The new features in JetBackup Version 4.0.17 include: New cPanel frontend integration with independent AngularJS New translation library implemented for both WHM & cPanel Security plugin section with Imunify360 and CSX integration allows automatic file restore and locking a backup when malware is detected Restore & Download priority groups added to set which accounts are the first to get restored or downloaded Google Drive cache support for much faster backup! 3rd option added to the…

JetBackup For DirectAdmin

We are pleased to announce that JetApps is currently developing a version of JetBackup that will support the DirectAdmin control panel!  The current ETA for the public edge version of JetBackup for DirectAdmin is 4-6 months. Please note this is the #1 priority on our development team.  We are working as quickly as possible to provide a secure and quality product that meets the high standards we set for our software. We have had some…

CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 cPanel Migration Guide

In 2020, cPanel will no longer support running its software in a CentOS 6 environment.  Seeing that we have a few servers running CentOS 6, we had to put together a game plan to migrate our clients’ servers to CentOS 7 in the most efficient way possible.  The solution was to provision a brand new server with a temporary IP, copy all the server data over, then replace the IP’s on the new server to…

JetBackup Release Notes | Version 4.0.15

Here are the bug fixes in JetBackup Version 4.0.15 : Prevent identical backups from different backup jobs to be inserted into the restore queue. Old restore conditions did not show up on cPanel GUI (only for 4.0.14 clients). A migration script was added to fix it. Improved destinations free disk calculation. For the snapshot setting “Backup Job for Snapshots”, the ability to choose a non-accounts backup job was disabled. CGI warnings on cPanel log have…

Top 4 Data Storage Trends

Data storage is the critical foundation of every business.  Simply put, your data needs to be accessible, accurate and secure in order to compete in today’s data-driven world.  There have been many advancements made on both the hardware and software technology side of the storage industry over the last couple of years that are significantly changing how businesses manage their data.   As companies around the world continue to see exponential growth in the sheer…

How To Upsell Backups

When I think of the word “upsell”, I am reminded of all the useless, mostly unrelated products many companies try to sell me as I am going through the checkout process.  What if I were to tell you that (if done correctly) upselling CAN increase customer satisfaction while at the same time generate additional revenue and increase retention rates! Here are a few tips when it comes to upselling: ONLY upsell products related to what…

Where the $@#% are the log files!

Have you ever been troubleshooting a software issue and simply cannot find where the log files are located?  Or better yet, you come to find out the software’s log files are stored in 5 to 10 different and very random folders!?!?   While your first thought might be, “Is this software company playing a sick joke on me?”, the unfortunate reality is that log files much of the time are an afterthought when designing a…

Top 4 Reasons for Slow Backups

Do your backup jobs seem to run incredibly slow?  Afraid your server will still be backing up accounts well outside your scheduled backup window and continue running during normal business hours?  Well, you are not alone as this is one concern almost every hosting provider runs into from time to time. Knowing how to quickly identify and resolve these issues are not always easy.  However, we have found that almost every major cause for slow…