
Become a JetBackup Certified Admin

Test your knowledge of the JetBackup for cPanel product or refine your skillset by taking the JetBackup Certification course through the cPanel University. Upon completion of the exam with a passing grade, you will receive a digital badge that you can place on your website. Providing great customer service to your clients starts with having a solid understanding of the products and services you provide to them through your company. Here at JetApps, we are…

CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 cPanel Migration Guide

In 2020, cPanel will no longer support running its software in a CentOS 6 environment.  Seeing that we have a few servers running CentOS 6, we had to put together a game plan to migrate our clients’ servers to CentOS 7 in the most efficient way possible.  The solution was to provision a brand new server with a temporary IP, copy all the server data over, then replace the IP’s on the new server to…

Where the $@#% are the log files!

Have you ever been troubleshooting a software issue and simply cannot find where the log files are located?  Or better yet, you come to find out the software’s log files are stored in 5 to 10 different and very random folders!?!?   While your first thought might be, “Is this software company playing a sick joke on me?”, the unfortunate reality is that log files much of the time are an afterthought when designing a…

Top 4 Reasons for Slow Backups

Do your backup jobs seem to run incredibly slow?  Afraid your server will still be backing up accounts well outside your scheduled backup window and continue running during normal business hours?  Well, you are not alone as this is one concern almost every hosting provider runs into from time to time. Knowing how to quickly identify and resolve these issues are not always easy.  However, we have found that almost every major cause for slow…

OMG a BUG!!!

I love *all* animals, dog lover here if you may, but I really really hate bugs! Ever since I can remember things, I hated bugs. Not all types of bugs but certain ones … those that make a popping sound when squashed where all kinds of liquids come out of them. I can assume that most of you can relate to that, right? Why am I sharing this with you? Because there are other types…

Denial-of-Service Flaw in WordPress

A serious application level denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability has been discovered in the WordPress CMS platform that potentially can take down most WordPress websites without the need of attacking with a massive amount of bandwidth, as usually required in DoS attacks.   Since WordPress itself did not provide (to date) a patch, the vulnerability (CVE-2018-6389) remains and has an affect on most versions of WordPress including WordPress version 4.9.2 which is its most stable and latest…

We (really do) Listen!

I’ve been using online services and tools for quite a long time now … I guess you’d call me a dinosaur 😉 Along the years I have came across some great tools which I had no problem paying a substantial amount of money for in order to enjoy them. A tool that as a sysadmin, designer, musician, artist, etc. made my life easier and at the same time was pure fun was worth every penny….