Jetapps is thrilled to announce the release of JetBackup v5.3.10 to the Beta tier. This update includes significant bug fixes, introduces suggested excluded paths when configuring a backup job, adds the ability to exclude files during restoration, and enhances the integrity check procedure. Additionally, users can modify the destination concurrent threads to fewer than 10, and JB Config will automatically be enabled by default when setting up new destinations. The release notes below provide a summary of cases addressed with this release. Please note that “Base” features and bug fixes apply to all JetBackup versions.

Bug Fixes

JetBackup – v5.3.10 (Base):

  • Fixed Failed to open stream: No such file or directory -#1845
  • Fixed Email notification format – #1682
  • Fixed -oSkip option for jetbackup5 –restorepkg command – #1670
  • Add BMR (REAR) default conf file for server-specific configurations – #1854
  • Fixed clone destination creation – #1848
  • Fixed invalid workspace directory during Disaster Recovery – #1846
  • Added suggested excludes option when creating a backup job – #1826
  • Display IP address when viewing Orphan Accounts – #1811
  • [API] Fixed Legacy destination creation via CLI – #1810
  • Adjusted default Page Size to 50 when browsing files in a backup – #1805
  • Fixed jetbackup5 –export – #1796
  • [Jetindex] Fixed special characters in filename causing “Failed copying file” – #1787
  • [Downloads] Resolved clean workspace downloads directory issue – #1786
  • Implemented checking service to ensure JetBackup only starts from one location – #1784
  • Allow ability to show damaged backups in end users GUI – #1776
  • Enable JB Config Export by default on new destinations – #1768
  • Fixed manageRepository messages when create/modify is called – #1766
  • Added a timeout for queue.sock requests – #1761
  • Send an alert if the destination is automatically disabled – #1758
  • Added option to exclude files in the restore process – #1751
  • Fixed retry failed items as end user with set permissions – #1733
  • Fixed IntegrityCheck completion Alert/Notice fetching the backup job and destination name – #1732
  • Fixed Account Backups UI displaying the correct information – #1691
  • Added a warning message to the “Can Manage Directory Backups” permissions – #1675
  • Addressed the “Insert Multiple” button when changing the backup job from accounts to directories – #1668
  • Retry the initial connection for all destinations – #1662
  • Added new “Owned By” Account Filter and reworked the “Reseller Filter” to include the reseller owner – #1644
  • [API] Addressed the issue regarding the inability to properly list the full account snapshot/parent_id for orphan accounts – #1511
  • Extend Integrity Check for individual users – #1432
  • Fixed fatal error when IP parameter is left empty – #1835
  • Missing API temp folder causes Sync Accounts Fatal error – #1829
  • Fixed how backup properly handles symlink directories – #1842
  • Add snapshot index data checksum test into Integrity check process – #1844
  • [BMR] Cleanup not working properly for BMR / Index File is empty – #1834
  • Added an entry in the logs when no Cron is detected to backup for account – #1817
  • [Localization] Unable to translate some entries on Queue – #1816
  • Implement multilevel include/exclude all across – #1808
  • [Destinations] Allow setting less than 10 Maximum Threads – #1794
  • Implement a new method to Integrity Check on Legacy Destinations – #1771
  • [Integrity Check] JB Config fails with [Error] NoSuchKey after update – #1676
  • [Restore] jetbackup.index items don’t match items selected, causes restorepkg to fail for partial downloads – #1669
  • [SFTP] Full export Failing upload causes perpetual failed backups – #1860
  • [CLI] Automatically reindex after jetbackup5 –import – #1833
  • [BMR] JB5 unable to open queue socket for restore post-BMR – #1831
  • Add a warning when the AVX instruction set flag is disabled – #1827

JetBackup – v5.3.10 (cPanel):

  • Fixed backing up single quoted MYSQL password – #121
  • Jetbackup services added to the cPanel service monitor[chkservd] – #122
  • Implement whether PGSQL/MYSQL default users can be skipped – #165
  • [Clone] Resolved Panel Config clone improperly restoring Cron Jobs when Cron item is unchecked – #180
  • [Clone] Fixed SSL certificate assigned/replaced on clone job – #185
  • [Restore] Fixed restoring package if it’s named “undefined” #186
  • [Restore] Added missing step to set reseller IP to shared/main during restore – #187
  • Implement a sync account hook that triggers when an account’s IP address is changed b- #188
  • Check if the cPanel server is DNS-only and return an empty account list – #189
  • Exclude subdomain txt entries from primary domain zone files during restore – #190

JetBackup – v5.3.10 (Plesk):

  • Trim “!” from Password for Suspended Subscriptions – #72
  • Improve the sync account process #71
  • Fixed special syncing accounts when package name contains special characters – #70
  • Fixed synchronization issue for servers with more than 1,000 accounts – #69
  • Add ability to backup domain with redirects – #67
  • [Restore] – Fixed setting password for the user during restore – #64
  • [Restore] – Properly set IP for the associated account – #61
  • Domains with hosting type set to Forward are now listed – #45
  • Implement pre/post restore functionality – #22

JetBackup – v5.3.10 (DirectAdmin):

  • private_html symlink option is restored properly – #174
  • [Restore] Properly set IP for the associated account – #178
  • Fixed email accounts linked to suspended domains can’t be backed up – #177
  • [GUI] Fixed IP Address appearing as an array – #182
  • [Restore] Partially completed restore for “admin” account – #181
  • [Cron Restore] Fix cron removal with files restore – #180
  • Resolved .spamassasin folder deleted after restore – #179
  • Fixed error setting quota to unlimited during pre-restore step – #175

JetBackup – v5.3.10 (Linux)

  • Allow standalone Linux panel to set custom hostname – #56

Known Issues

The resolution of these issues is currently in progress!

  • Failed installation on docker container servers – JB5-DirectAdmin #167
  • Clone Job filter does not filter properly in Logs – JB5-Base #1869
  • Allow System Integrity Check Time to be set – JB5-Base #1649
  • [Restore] Verify there is enough disk space locally to complete the restore/download – JB5-Base #476

For more information on closed issues, please visit JetBackup Change Log.
For more information on new features, please visit JetBackup 5 Documentation.
If you would like to leave feedback, please visit JetBackup Forums.
If you would like to leave a new feature request, please visit JetApps Feature Request.