DISCLAIMER: Please note that this Guide is a Proof of Concept and was written for WHMCS 8.0.  We strongly recommend exercising due diligence when using this guide and making changes or adjustments where appropriate. You are responsible for any custom-developed integrations or determining the proper configuration for your use case.

This guide is provided AS-IS and JetApps Support cannot provide assistance with further modifications, customizations, or diagnosis of errors that may arise from this guide.

Using Jetbackup with WHMCS 8+, you now have the ability to invoice your customers based on the size and frequency of cPanel accounts, or based on a number of JetBackup account filters. 

Please review the video below for step-by-step instructions on how to configure this setup on your hosting servers and WHMCS environment:

Here are the instructions for provisioning packages, controlling backups, and billing users using stock WHMCS 8:

1. Verify that you have a cPanel package for a given configuration that you wish to bill and backup. If not, create the desired cPanel package. Navigate to WHM > Edit a Package to view packages.

2. Next, in WHMCS 8+, navigate to system settings in the top right menu:

3. Search “servers”, select it, select “Add New Server”, then add the details of your cPanel/WHM server where JetBackup is installed. In the server details, select module “cPanel”. Here you can test the connection from WHMCS to the cPanel server.

4. From the same settings menu in Step 2, select “Products/Services”. Create a new product, or edit an existing product that will be assigned to the desired cPanel package which you’ll be provisioning from within WHMCS. 

In the details tab of the product, ensure the type, group, and name are selected.

5. In the “Module Settings” tab of the same product, select module name “cPanel” and insert [package name from Step 1] in the “WHM Package Name” field. There is a resync button to test connectivity. Here you can configure the billing metric and behavior of the product when a client is ordering:

6.  There is an “Advanced Mode” for a more granular configuration of the WHM package.

7. Enable and select “configure pricing” on the desired billing metric (e.g. disk space) to configure billing parameters.

8. Save the product. Now when this WHMCS product is ordered, it will provision a cPanel account with that package, which JetBackup can see.

9. In JetBackup, create or edit a backup job, and select “add another account filter”. Select filter type “packages filter”, then “list packages” to see the available package options from cPanel.

You can add multiple filters with and/or logic as seen here:

And that’s it! You are now selling backups to your hosting customers!

If you have any questions regarding JetBackup, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support department via the client area or submit an email to [email protected].