We are pleased to announce that support for Debian, Ubuntu, and AlmaLinux on JetBackup 5 is now available on the EDGE Tier! This release is only available for JetBackup v5.1.12 and above.

The currently supported versions of each system include:

Debian - 9,10 64-bit OS
Ubuntu - 18.04,20.04 64-bit OS
AlmaLinux - 8 64-bit OS

DISCLAIMER: JetBackup 5 EDGE Tier is the first to receive new updates for stability and new features. JetBackup 5 EDGE is not recommended for production environments.

Installation – Debian/Ubuntu

JetApps Repo installation for Debian/Ubuntu systems requires CURL. Therefore, please use the following command to install the JetApps Repo:

$ cd ~ && curl -L http://repo.jetlicense.com/static/debinstall > debinstall && bash debinstall

Continue to install the JetBackup 5 package for your specific panel using the following commands:

### DirectAdmin Servers ###
$ jetapps --install jetbackup5-directadmin edge

### WHM/cPanel Servers ###
$ jetapps --install jetbackup5-cpanel edge

### No Panel Servers ###
$ jetapps --install jetbackup5-linux edge

Installation – AlmaLinux

AlmaLinux systems are like CentOS/RHEL systems and utilize yum for installing the JetApps Repo:

$ yum install http://repo.jetlicense.com/centOS/jetapps-repo-latest.rpm
$ yum clean all --enablerepo=jetapps*
$ yum install jetapps --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=jetapps

Continue to install the JetBackup 5 package for your specific panel using the following commands: :

### DirectAdmin Servers ###
$ jetapps --install jetbackup5-directadmin edge

### cPanel/WHM Servers ###
$ jetapps --install jetbackup5-cpanel edge

### No Panel Servers ###
$ jetapps --install jetbackup5-linux edge

Post Installation

After the installation is Complete!, you may log into your Panel to access JetBackup 5. You can visit the Getting Started page in our documentation for more information on how to access your JetBackup 5 Panel. After you complete the Getting Started process, the JetBackup 5 Admin Dashboard will load.

JetBackup for Debian and Ubuntu Dashboard Image

New installations of JetBackup 5 for Debian/Ubuntu/AlmaLinux can get a FREE 10-Day Trial at

Need more time testing the new JetBackup 5 Installations for Debian/Ubuntu/AlmaLinux? Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to extend your trial for Debian/Ubuntu/AlmaLinux installations!

Most importantly, your feedback will help our team identify bugs and release fixes much faster, as well as help us in acclimating with new Linux flavors, improving our software, and helping towards a stable release version! You may leave your feedback in our Feature Request – Support for Debian / Ubuntu or in our Forums – JetBackup Linux (No Panel).

We look forward to hearing from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5.

To keep up to date with the latest releases, please visit JetBackup Release Notes.
For more information on closed issues, please visit JetBackup Change Log.
For more information on new features, please visit JetBackup 5 Documentation.
If you would like to leave feedback, please visit JetBackup Forums.
If you would like to leave a new feature request, please visit JetApps Feature Request Panel .