
Where the $@#% are the log files!

Have you ever been troubleshooting a software issue and simply cannot find where the log files are located?  Or better yet, you come to find out the software’s log files are stored in 5 to 10 different and very random folders!?!?   While your first thought might be, “Is this software company playing a sick joke on me?”, the unfortunate reality is that log files much of the time are an afterthought when designing a…

Top 4 Reasons for Slow Backups

Do your backup jobs seem to run incredibly slow?  Afraid your server will still be backing up accounts well outside your scheduled backup window and continue running during normal business hours?  Well, you are not alone as this is one concern almost every hosting provider runs into from time to time. Knowing how to quickly identify and resolve these issues are not always easy.  However, we have found that almost every major cause for slow…

Create a Failover Solution with JetBackup

For years now, the hosting community has searched long and hard for an affordable turn-key failover solution for their clients.  JetApps saw this need and wanted to fulfill this void in the market immediately with a product called JetClone. Unfortunately, our core product JetBackup becoming wildly successful has caused us to focus all of our resources toward this backup software for the time being.  While we still plan on eventually developing this high availability /…

Configure JetBackup to Meet Your Needs

One thing i have learned over the last 20 years in the hosting industry is that no two hosting companies are exactly the same.  While many believe that hosting has become a commodity, it is more important than ever for small web hosting companies to be unique and make it known to their potential customer what it is they excel at within the hosting realm.  Some hosting companies hang their hat on providing top tier…

Feature Spotlight: Alerts & Notifications

When setting up any automated recurring task in life it is easy for us to “set it and forget it”.  However, what happens when that task does not automatically get completed as normal? Do we know if and when this happens?  Or do you find yourself shocked weeks or months later when you realize the task has not been completing for what feels like an eternity!?  If you have set up the proper alerts and…

Keep Business Hours Dedicated to Your Clients

As a hosting provider, the #1 goal is to keep your clients happy.  That means keeping their websites up and running fast, especially during business hours when they are utilizing their websites, email, and other applications to service their clients.  While this may sound easy to a savvy host there are a few roadblocks that many hosting providers run into that they never see coming.   Website backups are a vital part of being a…

Feature Spotlight: Account Filters

In this feature spotlight we will take a closer look at the account filters feature in JetBackup.  This feature gives you the ability to include or exclude specific accounts from a backup job based on the account name, size of the account, account status (active, suspended, etc), cPanel package name, and much more.  With Jetbackups ability to create unlimited backup jobs to unlimited destinations, account filters gives you the flexibility and freedom to create your…

Feature Spotlight: Custom Hooks

In this feature spotlight we will take a closer look at the custom hooks feature inside of JetBackup. This feature gives server admins the ability to add their own custom scripts either pre (before) or post (after) every major JetBackup command function. Hooks can be used to run status checks, augment JetBackup command functions or abort them altogether if the requirements of the hook are not met. It is not uncommon for server admins to…

Houston… Here We Come!

JetApps will have a booth at the cPanel conference again this year!  We would love to discuss your existing backup configuration and provide tips on how to make it even faster and more reliable.  If you are planning on making the trip out to Houston please stop by and visit us at our booth.   Also, don’t forget to check out the cPanel session: “How to Backup 15,000 cPanel Accounts in Less Than 7 Hours”…

The Hidden GDPR Compliance Nightmare

For most companies, becoming GDPR compliant was a difficult task to accomplish.  In the web hosting industry, when you factor in how much data a hosting provider stores in multiple data centers and for clients all over the world, the road to GDPR compliance can seem insurmountable.  Our clients tell us, the leading issue most hosting companies run into in terms of becoming GDPR compliant is how they deal with their client’s account backups. To…